Inspiring Designer Lauren Bowker

Lauren Bowker first started of as a student at the Manchester School of Art where she found her interest towards chemical engineering. For her graduation she designed the pollution sensing jacket, for which she received her first award. Lauren went on to study printed textiles at the Royal College of Art London, creating several additional colour-change inks, portrayed through provoking pieces shot by Tim Walker and modelled by Kate Moss, alongside innovation and experience consultancies for automotive, healthcare, textiles and couture. Lauren also sits on the Board for the European Council for the Internet of Things.

Five years later, Lauren founded THE UNSEEN, an exploration house that blends matter into materials; focused on seeing the unseen by combining science with art, design and performance. Their vision is to change the world through intelligent material made simple, captivating complicated science into tangible applications. In early 2014 she released THE UNSEEN AIR; a series of sculptures that respond aerodynamically through colour change, leading to a collaboration with Swarovski Gemstones and a series of future exhibitions.

THE UNSEEN AIR collection in coorperation with Swarovski