First Testing Results

During this first week of 2017 I built my set-up I proposed 2 weeks ago with use of Arduino. First it was important to understand the code, which I made use of different books and the Arduino Playground. The Playground provided me with a suitable capacitive sensor which I could then adapt. The books I used are:


and helped me to create the right code. First a test was done to transform the capacitive sensor into one that works well with a thread as input instead of a metal foil for which it was designed for initially. This test was done with using an LED as an output to get direct feedback on the interaction between my hand and the thread.

Then the next step was to hook up an RGB LED as an output to get feedback about the different states of the interaction; no touching – barely touching – actual touching the yarn. This is done to understand if different ways of interaction are possible with the used materials (type of yarn and type of fabric).

The movie shows one example of a test done with 12UM Stainless steel fiber covered under a piece of pure cotton with a weight of 129 grams per squared meters. Up untill now this material combination shows the most promising results. Further testing is done upcoming week.