User Test Material Research

To conclude the first phase a practical study is organized where the Material Driven Design Methodology will be used; a step-by-step approach where new materials will get a better design perspective. The main questions towards new materials are ‘What is the material, what can the material do and what can you make with use of…

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First Testing Results

During this first week of 2017 I built my set-up I proposed 2 weeks ago with use of Arduino. First it was important to understand the code, which I made use of different books and the Arduino Playground. The Playground provided me with a suitable capacitive sensor which I could then adapt. The books I…

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Material Study 1 Preperation

To understand which insulator-conductor material combination creates a functional garment a material study is needed. In the conclusion of the literature report some materials are mentioned which will be used for further research. The test will have three parts and a user test. The first part is the research is based on combining pure insulators…

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Internship GHIMELLS

To prepare myself for the graduation project I decided to take an internship with a haute couture fashion label to better understand the design processes and the way of working with the materials. GHIMELLS was enthusiastic about my story and gave me the opportunity to investigate how to create sustainable clothing. The elaborate study case…

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