Hema Design Competition

Theme 2014: Cooking and Eating

De Sausstopper

In 2014 Dutch designers were challenged to come up with a product idea for the theme ‘cooking and eating’.

Performing researching on cooking behavior I noticed the spatula is the one that creates a lot of mess while cooking. The simple yet effective solution for it fits Hema’s portfolio perfectly. With a colourful and functional design the Sausstopper was introduced, a tool that can be used to hold multiple spatulas.

HEMA also saw the potential and has been investigating for future production possibilities.

Theme 2013: Organize your life


SIRE | Campagne Voedselverspilling

In 2013 Dutch designers were challenged to create a design based on the theme ‘organize your life’.

The Dutch throw away 50 kilos of food a year. This is more than 10 percent of the food people buy. This puts the “frugal” Dutchman on a shared first place with Belgium and Ireland for food-wasting countries within Europe.

In addition, there is little knowledge about food. People no longer know how long you can store products and trust labels above their own instinct. Research shows that leftovers are often thrown away, because people don’t see the value of keeping them. Though, leftover can easily be kept in the fridge for two to three days before they expire.

To make leftovers a festive meal, the Kliekjesfeest concept was introduced.

Kliekjesfeest consists of three different boxes in which you can store food. The choice of three boxes is based on how long you can keep warmed food in the refrigerator. Each box has its own color and shape, but because of its size, material, way of closing and the way in which they are folded, they form a whole.

The closed containers can be used in the refrigerator and put in the microwave if the user would like to heat up their meal. The containers can easily be opened as desired by means of a cord and be transformed into a bowl or a plate.

The colors and motifs are based on HEMA’s identity. The containers have a calm appearance with a white container, colored lid and a colored cord. The plates have a festive look and are different in design per plate. The leftovers bring the rest of the colors to the plate, making it a feast to eat!