About Me

Vision on Design

My motivation

Technology has a certain timeline. You can say that the second industrial revolution around 1900 sparked scaled innovation to take place all over Europe. In the last decade we saw different technology eras pass: from desktop computers, to internet, to mobile phones, to smart phones, to wearables, entering flexible organic electronics; from automobiles, to aircrafts, to airspace, to satellites, to moon landings, entering living in outer space; from mass production by humans, to robotics, to machine learning, to IoT, entering deep learning. Due to the internet and social media the world is connected in such that these innovations are taking place all over the planet.

My experience in IT has shown me that the pace in which technology is evolving and changing daily life is extremely fast. There will come a time in which artificial intelligence will outsmart us and we won’t be able to keep up.

I believe that robots will take over human jobs in which efficiency is needed, because machines do perform better in that area. I also believe that robots can improve our lives by thinking with us. I believe that robots can enhance our life expectancy.

UX design is contributing to this revolution by creating a living space for humans to be humans. How will that world look like? All I can say is I’m excited for the future!

My Designer Foundation

I am an interaction designer specialized in user experience. User needs form the basis of my design thinking. The interactions users have with a product or service are therefore designed to be intuitive. In my philosophy a product should be shaped towards humans not the other way around.

Researching a context with its specific target group makes me an expert on how designs should be shaped, adapted and communicated in order to be understood and used at their highest potential in a way that is suitable for the target group within their context.

Way of Working

As a designer I’m interested in the field of IoT and smart systems. I want to know how things work and then recreate them. Therefore you can see me working on my car, repairing broken devices or building/testing something new. Next to that I’m interested in anthropology from cultures around the world, but also within societies (countries, companies, religion).

As a team-player I want to get everybody involved and feel comfortable to give their own ideas and opinions. As a Scrum Master I understand that to give a team that extra motivation is to raise interest in the individual as well.

With a result-driven attitude I am great at organizing and prioritizing work while communicating with other parties about the progress so far. My creativity helps to get messages across clearly and gives a fresh perspective on design issues at hand.

My vision on design gives me a focus on what I want to learn, where I want to contribute and what I want to experience. The companies I reach out to are therefore for a reason. See you in the future!